Another types of consumer loans - car loan. Often people choose this type of loan to cover the cost of the car. An excellent example of the lack of a few thousand dollars to the new car will save you a few months. But is it not wise to take out a loan, just to ride the car, but during those few months to give the loan, the few hundred dollars?
These days the perception that consumer credit is obtained only if you pay high interest rates. It is now rarely possible to obtain a fixed rate loan, and if possible - the interest is quite high. Therefore, it is worth thinking about leasing as a better alternative to taking a car loan.
Much more cost effective to buy a car lease, let alone the fact that low interest rates. However, as the medal is his second half, the same is true here. Buying a car lease there are certain conditions which would not be taking the easy credit. For example, the purchase of a car lease, it must not be older than 12 years, other companies - not older than 7 years. There will be a necessary and initial contribution, and a ban on the entire lease period.
It is worth noting if you intend to buy a car, drive out to it for some time, and sell it, then better to take a car lease with redemption or otherwise, the residual value (ie rent). In this way, you pay much lower monthly premiums.
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